Criminal Defense Investigation

Criminal Defense Investigation

The Simmons Agency has played a vital role in many criminal defense cases for decades. We are thorough and offer fast reliable investigation.

We verify and validate all that has been done by the investigating police department. We find and recognize where errors or omissions have occurred or to indicate that all proper procedures were adhered to during the investigation. We know what the standards are and are able to make quick comparisons that are easily understood. We perform public (and sometimes private) record searches, locate and interview witnesses, and prepare reports. We also locate witnesses, not on police reports, develop background information including criminal histories and obtain restraining orders to help expedite legal cases. In addition, we review and verify all evidence, physical, verbal, video, etc., that will be used by the prosecution.

Attorneys can do much of this work, but why? Simmons Agency has years of experience with criminal defense investigations. Utilizing our agency is efficient and smart. Call us at 800-237-8230 if your firm requires a seasoned investigator.


Let’s start by scheduling a free confidential consultation so we can discuss your case in detail.
The Simmons Agency is ready to assist 24/7. We are one of Boston’s oldest and most respected private investigation firms.